Amboi3 ASTRO...!!!
oleh sorensen pada 21 Mei 2009 dalam jiwa
Q. When will/did Astro begin the removal of Astro Kirana Channel (122) from its platform?
The removal will be/was from 18 May 2009 onwards.
Q. Why did Astro decide to remove the Astro Kirana Channel from its platform?
Kirana was offered as a preview channel at no additional cost for a limited period of time to our customers. Channels are tested on a preview basis to enable us to establish appeal and segmental relevance upon which these channels will be slotted into the relevant package eventually. Research shows that Kirana has been receiving poor rating and low viewership. As such we have decided to remove Kirana wef 18 May from the Astro platform. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Q. What was the viewership rating of the Astro Kirana Channel?
The viewership of Astro Kirana Channel has been declining of late. Its channel share is also low at 2% compared to RIA at 12%.
Q. Will Astro be reducing the cost of its family package now that they have removed the Astro Kirana Channel?
No. Kirana was introduced on Astro platform as preview channel at no additional cost for limited time. As such the issue of price reduction does not arise.
Q. Will Astro be bringing the Kirana Channel back on its platform?
We do not have plans to bring the channel back at this point. However, we will keep our customers informed, should we plan to do so.
Q. Will Astro be introducing more news channels under its free view/preview?
Preview channels on Astro’s platform is only offered as free view basis for a limited time only. However, we are constantly looking at opportunities to offer our customers with more choices of relevant and premium content on our platform. At this point we do not have plans to introduce more preview channels in the near future. However, when we do introduce new channels, we will keep our customers informed.
Amboi.....!!!!!! Sedap sgtkan astro ni? Bila tengok channel tak banyak org tengok, suka2 dia la nak tutup mcm tu kan? Hei! 2% pun kira la brp banyak proportion dpd jumlah penonton yg ada, bukan main sebarang hentam jek! Mana korang tau dalam jumlah tu langsung takde penonton setia? Alasan korg bgtau channel tu sbg medium utk preview mmg tak masuk akal, korg tak sedar ke citer2 yg korg main kat channel tu dulu citer yg brp kurun sudah punya? Nak buat preview bukak channel lain la weh, astro box office tu takde plak korg nak sebok2 preview kan? Kalau kirana yg 'free' tu pun dah dpt 2% viewer je, korg bleh bayangkan tak box office tu brp kerat je yg tengok? Ada korg tutup?
Tu tak abis lagi.. semlm tah mcm mana tetiba aku terbukak channel yg baru diorg bukak. Channel 130, nama Mustika (nama bukan main). Bila aku check, rupanya mustika ni adalah pakej baru yg akan diperkenalkan astro lepas ni. (dipetik dpd Thestar)
"Mustika Pack is a new pay TV package comprising three new channels – Astro Citra (channel 131), Astro Warna (channel 132) and B4U (channel 133) – and priced at RM12.95 per month."
“Astro Warna offers comedy while Astro Citra is the Malaysian version of the HBO channel providing Asian blockbuster movies, Malay premieres, and Malay epic series.
“And with B4U, subscribers will be able to access the latest box-office Bollywood movies and music,” she said, adding that all movies on B4U would have Bahasa Malaysia subtitles to appeal to a bigger audience.
Kaannnn.. nak bukak pakej baru rupanya!!! So, lepas dah jelas dan nyata berdolak dalih.. astro nak kata apa lagi pasni? One day korg jgn terkejut bila tetiba astro ria, prima, oasis, ceria dan semua2 channel yg diorg buat tu tetiba ditutup atas alasan "it was offered as preview channel". Pastu nanti diorg asingkan la satu channel tu utk satu pakej! Boley?! Biasala, astro kan takde saingan sbb tu diorg naik minyak sgt agaknya. Mungkin SKMM boleh buat smtg? Takkan nak report kat tribunal tuntutan pengguna plak kot? *pengsannnnnn!!!!
8 komen
Mei 21, 2009 3:26 PTGtuh la.. masalah siaran masa hujan tu dah berlarutan bertahun2 dah, tp diorg duk buat senyap je. nama je naik taraf software decoder berpuluh2 kali setahun tapi hasil tetap hampeh! family pakej bayar rm37.95 tapi letak channel2 sampah dlm tu sape nak tengok.. tak xnak kne gak amik mini pakej utk tambah channel. hai astro.. ko mmg nak kena..
Mei 24, 2009 3:23 PTGmemang betul!!!!
astro berdolak dalih pule..
dorg stop kirana tu cuz dorg nk introkan mustika tu..
Mei 24, 2009 3:44 PTGmmg pun.. tapi takleh watpe la kan, diorg je provider cable tv tunggal kat malaysia skrg nie.. kira tunggal la tu sbb yg lain2 jarang org guna (mcm mitv dll) sbb tu suka pijak2 kepala customer..
Farie Amrah
Mei 29, 2009 11:40 PGastro dh byk sgt siaran tp ttp same.. duk ulang citer sampai nk termuntah tgk..
Jun 09, 2009 10:20 PTGaku stuju yg astro ni sebenarnya permainkan penonton. aku still ingat masa diorg tukar no channel dr 2 digit kpd 3 digit... dgn alasan utk susun balik program biar lebih kemas, cth kalo 710 utk hiburan maka 711 dan seterusnya juga utk hiburan selagi ada. Tp yg jelas channel hiburan ada gak kat 180 dan 703 kalo tak silap. Pandai astro 'susun semula' channel supaya lebih kemas.. ha ha ha.. haprak
Jun 10, 2009 1:26 PGkan.. staff2 yg keje dlm astro tu sumenye pandai2 kalau bab2 memutar leher customer ni.. maklumla, byk duit masyuk, banyak lagi masyuk koeck diorg.. makin tinggi la cengkadak diorg!
psl susun channel tu, sah2 la sbb nak tambah pakej.. kalau tambah pakej, bagi la customer tgk free 2-3 bulan.. pastu apalagi? masyukkk...
Mei 21, 2009 11:18 PG
WAN baru baca promosi ini kat paper td.. tgk mcm best je.. hehe
tpi kalau astro siarkan cite2 yg berkurun lama nye alamatnye mmc kne sekeh la meka ni...
astro ini mmg sekarnag kemain demand
semua nak berbayar..
pasal naik tafar system xnk lak buat
mcm hari hujan x dapat tengok tu
xnak lak up grad kan??